Millennial Mom: working, writing, loving, learning
10 Reasons I Love My Home Workout Program and You Might Too!

10 Reasons I Love My Home Workout Program and You Might Too!

I’ve seen a lot of smack talking on social media lately over people posting their at home workouts or their meal prep/planning. I find it hilarious how any time someone decides to do something they enjoy, they’ve got the Facebook police out there to tell them its lame. I mean come on! It’s 2020 and the adults are mad kids are acting like bullies while they continue to act like the biggest bullies every single day. Social Media is a curse and a blessing. I think it’s important we recognize and respect the fact that everyone has free will to use their platform however they want as long as it’s safe and not harming themselves or others. I personally have experienced what it is like to have at home workouts completely transform my life. I understand the urge to post about it daily and to share our journey with our friends. When thing’s make us feel good we should be able to share them without internet troll shaming. I watched my current Beachbody coach and longtime friend do home workout programs, eat healthy, participate in personal development, and make huge strides in her life on Instagram for about a year before I finally took the plunge myself. Looking back now I realize how silly I was being at the time, using all the excuses possible to get out of it. I mean, money was a real and valid concern. I don’t work two jobs for fun that’s for sure but I was also not made to just work to pay bills and die. It was honestly such a small investment for what I was able to gain out of it that I wish I would have jumped in a little sooner. I just didn’t view it as I do now, which is as an investment into myself and my long term health.

There were a lot of things pushing me to get more consistent and committed to my health and fitness journey. I’ve always struggled with consistency in staying active and finding enjoyment in anything other than actual team sports and the occasional run. Yet, my body was begging me to do something. I think any Mama know’s that finding confidence in your new body and rebuilding strength after a pregnancy can be a real bitch. There is a lot of pressure to drop the weight fast or act like you’re not trying to drop the weight at all. After Arya I had a ton of digestive health issues and not a lot of conclusive answers. Eventually I dropped TOO much weight due to a case of Colitis (fancy word for Colon infection) followed by a diagnosed with IBS. On top of that, I’ve struggled with disordered eating for a large portion of my life and after my incessant digestive issues this progressed to a diagnosis of AFRID, Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. I had never heard of this and at first I was in denial. I didn’t have an eating disorder. No way. Yes, I struggled with body image and self esteem like almost every other woman and girl I know. However, I didn’t believe I had a distorted body image. and I still don’t. I wasn’t purposely avoiding food to get skinny. I wasn’t trying to lose weight. In fact, I was actually trying to gain weight and was dealing with the constant reminder from many close friends and family that I looked sickly skinny and needed to eat more. I truly believe people mean well when they make these comments, but they’ve never sat well with me and they’ve definitely never made me feel better. However, after provided with more information and assurance that this was most likely a result of a combination of a lot of things including my past with disordered eating, my generalized anxiety disorder, and my recent digestive issues that created a real fear of eating and becoming sick or shitting my pants after (Graphic but true), I was able to accept the diagnosis and begin to actively work on building healthier eating habits. ARFID essentially was extreme picky eating caused by difficulty digesting food, avoidance of certain textures, colors, smells (something I’ve actually always struggled with since I was a child), a general lack of appetite, and disturbed feeding patterns. After my diagnosis, I didn’t really ever feel comfortable talking about it but I knew I had to do something about it. I wanted to do something that made me feel good and strong.

Furthermore, anyone that know’s me know’s that I am the biggest Survivor fan EVER. Richard and I binge watched all of the seasons while I was pregnant with Arya and I have been hooked ever since. Every single Wednesday at my house we have taco’s and watch survivor. Arya know’s who Jeff Probst and Boston Rob are. We are true Survivor fanatics. WE LOVE SURVIVOR.Richard and I even drove down to the metro-Detroit area for an audition this past summer! We sadly didn’t make it but I’m not giving up hope. When I am finally on the show I don’t want to be the weak girl who get’s voted out before the merge for losing a challenge for my team. I want to be a competitor. I want to be a beast. I want to win. I am a super competitive person and I want to set myself up for success as much as possible. I know my mental and social game would excel but I cannot let myself be a Courtney. (No offense intended she made it far in the game that is just no my type of game play)

Courtney and the infamous rope challenge!

As I mentioned earlier, I had been watching my friend on Instagram for a while now get real physical results from these at home workouts. I had watched her clips and thought the moves and programs were something I could manage. I finally just broke down and decided I deserved to invest in me. I had been giving and giving and giving for so long. Richard was finally back to work.He supported me 100% and encouraged me throughout the process. I felt like this was my reward to myself for not giving up. I was ready to build real confidence in myself. I was ready to find joy. When I feel better I’m a better parent. When I’m a better parent, I feel better. It was all about finding a way to escape and give myself time to unwind and be.

This change in my life has been so unexpected. I never thought I would get this much out of a simple 30 minute workout every day but turn’s out I was getting so much more than just that. Below I’ve listed 10 reasons I absolutely love my Beach Body home workouts!

No Competition or Comparison: Just Me, Myself, and I!

For a person who struggles daily with an anxiety disorder, going to the gym has never been my cup of tea. I get sweaty just from the paranoia that people are watching me do a move wrong or be unimpressive. My inner critic is a real bitch and she’s stronger and more savage when I’m in public. Not to mention the idea of waiting to use a machine I want, using a machine after another sweaty person half ass cleaned it, having to constantly clean and wipe machines while my pre-workout has me ready to do parkour,etc. I feel like everyone at the gym is always judging you, especially if you’re on the machine they want; like what is this girl with the weak ankles doing on the stair master? Get off. (Bad example, but you get my drift.) It’s like you’re supposed to look like you belong at a gym and I always feel out of place.

No Commute, No Problem! Hello Time Saver!

The flexibility of at home workout programs is something you can’t get anywhere else. I can fit my workouts in any little pocket of space I have. I don’t have to worry about getting ready, driving there, getting a locker, signing in, avoiding someone I went to high school with, etc. It’s helped me stay consistent with my super busy schedule. I don’t have to always hit the gym after work or before work or when someone can watch my daughter. I can hit the “gym” aka my living room at any time that is convenient for me. I can sneak it in during nap time or before work or after work or at 11 p.m when I finally have a moment to myself. It feels less like a chore because it has fewer steps to get going! I’ve never been this consistent with a program before in my life and I think it’s because I was always trying to force myself to leave my house to get it done!

It’s a Family Function

This was a perk I honestly never expected and it’s become my absolute favorite part about this whole fitness journey. Arya seriously loves working out with Mommy. I’ve told her from the beginning the reason that mommy started to workout was because it helps me feel better. I wanted her to know that taking care of our body and honoring it is an important thing to do.We only get one body, one vessel for safe travels in this lifetime. Now she’s always wants to do workouts so we can feel better. She absolutely loves Jericho, the coach for the MM100 program I started with and the music that goes with that particular program. Richard has joined me on more than one occasion and is planning to start my next program with me. He’s told me multiple times how awesome it’s been watching me crush my goals and stay committed. If we honestly want our children to be active and healthy in their future we have to model for them what that looks like. If Arya see’s her parents playing sports, getting outside, doing workouts, and enjoying it, she is more likely to want to do those things as well. It’s pure science that exercise makes you healthier and happier. Of course I’m going to want that for my whole family. The world’s on fire and I want to make sure we can all outrun the zombies if it comes to it! Just kidding, I’ve been watching too much Walking Dead.

Helped Me Gain True Appreciation of My Body

I think it is so easy in today’s day and age to hate our bodies based solely on what they lack and how they appear compared to the airbrushed models in magazines. I very rarely hear people praising their bodies for the hard work they do every single day. We take advantage of our ability to do these things and we don’t feel nearly enough gratitude. Without regular physical activity, your body slowly loses its strength, stamina, and ability to function. As my grandma would say, you move it or lose it. As I’ve begun to regain strength lost from my pregnancy, birth with Arya (I had severe sciatica and nerve pain), and my following digestive issues, I’ve realized I never want to feel that weak again. I don’t want to be held back by my body’s limitations, especially not at 26. Once you realize your body’s potential, it’s hard to turn back. Once you’ve built those healthy sustainable habits it’s so much easier to keep going and achieve real confidence.

Everybody Needs a QSR: Quick Stress Reliever!

If you’ve read any of my other blog posts you might have picked up that unfortunately stress is a strong theme in my life. I think it’s fair to say that with the current global crisis and state of our nation, it’s a common theme for many of us at this very moment. Stress can completely consume your whole life, poisoning your thoughts, feelings, and relationships. Growing up my grandma used to always tell me how she used to use running as her stress relief. I tried it for years and it worked to a point but I could never build a real consistent habit but I needed something similar. Sweating out the worries has been the chief contributor to my increasing ability to get a good nights rest! These 30-40 minute workouts have given me an outlet for those negative emotions. I used to spend so much of my time trying to “be happy”. Now I’ve realized it’s important to feel all the feels. Happy is not a destination or a goal. It’s just a feeling. I want to feel whole. Sweating out these negative but necessary emotions allows me to do that. I don’t have to avoid emotions anymore, instead I work through them.

No Pressure to Look/Dress A Certain Way

I am not a cute workout gear girl. The whole concept of a cute outfit just for me to drip in sweat in it just does not add up in my brain. I like to sweat in scrubs. I like to be able to whip my shirt off whenever I start to over heat. I also sometimes like to workout right after I get up without changing so I can get it out of the way. By working out at home I am able to do all of these things without a care in the world. No shoes. No shirt. No problem. It’s also a huge money saver. I know so many girls that work harder at getting cute clothes for the gym than actually hitting the gym.

Weather Never Keeps Me Away

It’s easy to let small hiccups deter you from getting to the gym. Raining out? I’ll stay home. Snowing? Maybe tomorrow. Icy? Definitely can’t drive in that! With my at home workouts, weather has had absolutely no affect on my ability to remain consistent.

Huge Focus on Personal Development and Self Care

Personal development and self care are two absolutely vital parts of building a optimal healthy future for yourself. A growth mindset is a quality all successful people possess. We must never stop learning about ourselves, our abilities, shortcomings, and opportunities for growth. We must also never stop taking care of ourselves. OOPS. It’s so easy to get lost in the daily drum of producing and checking off items on to-do lists. The Beachbody community is committed to a whole body approach. You can’t be your best physical self when you’re not feeling well mentally. Both aspects of wellness carry equal weight in terms of creating a healthier you. Our community and coaches are consistently pushing us to reflect and respond accordingly and provide awesome resources. Personal growth is an amazing gift we should always pursue. It’s easy to get set in our ways but the truth is we can be whoever we want.Our past does not define our future and our current habits don’t define us. You can do more and be more at any point in your life. So many people allow these doors to shut due to fear and shame. Push past that and focus on your vision for the future. What do you want it to look like? How do you want to feel?

An Amazing Sense of Community + Accountability

The best part about the Beach Body program is that when you join with your personal coach you become part of a community of absolutely wonderful people that help hold each other accountable and provide support when needed. I think what happens for so many people as they attempt to introduce healthy habits into their lifestyle is that they hit a roadblock, fall off the wagon for a bit, and then never get back on! Or they will get stuck in the all or nothing mentally and lose the joy in the whole process. With this group, it’s impossible to not feel energized and inspired by these women who refuse to give up on their health and fitness journey despite all of life’s challenges. We don’t give up because we don’t allow each other to lose sight of the end goal. We’re constantly checking in with each other and sharing our struggles. It’s amazing how often people try to avoid the one thing humans need most: Connection. When you’ve got a group of like minded individuals around you that continuously push you to pursue your best self, what do you think is going to happen? If you’re struggling you can bet you are never doing it alone. You’ve got an entire group checking in on you and getting you back to the basics: YOUR PURPOSE. What are you truly trying to get out of this health & fitness journey? Are you really only trying to lose 10 lbs or 20 lbs or 30 lbs or are you trying to transform your life? Are you committed to caring for yourself? Are you committed to modeling good and healthy habits for your family? Are you committed to feeling good about yourself? Are you committed to building sustainable habits? Are you not sure but ready to try?

Real Results

I can honestly say I’m probably in the best shape I’ve ever been in my life. I’ve never had upper arm strength and now I can feel a bicep. I’ve completed 150 workouts with the MM100 BeachBody Program with Jericho. I honestly never believed I would make it through the first MM100. 100 workouts just seemed absolutely impossible. Yet, I did it. Maybe not in exactly 100 days but I never gave up. I was consistently working out every single week while working two jobs. I’ve worked out 150 times since September 4th 2019. That means in the roughly 210 or so day’s since I’ve started I’ve worked out 7/10 of those days. That’s good enough for me. That’s something to be proud of. I feel so much stronger both physically and mentally. I never thought this would have the impact it has had on my life and I’m excited to see where it takes me as I continue my health and fitness journey as a BeachBody Coach!

I’m starting a new program on April 6th. I’ve never done the program before and it’s brand new to Beach Body. It’s called 10 Rounds with Joel Freeman. It’s a 6 week program with 5 workouts a week. My current program is 7 days a week so I’m excited to utilize the rest days in this new program for running and/or yoga. 10 Rounds will have 3 days boxing and 2 days weight lifting. Equipment needed includes dumbbells, and 12” resistance loops. There’s a whole group of us getting started on April 6th if you want in! Here’s a free sample workout available:

I would love to have any of my friends who are ready to make some positive changes in their life join me for this program! I just want to hang out with my friends! Get in touch with me if this is something that interests you.