Millennial Mom: working, writing, loving, learning
50 Things that Make Me Happy :)

50 Things that Make Me Happy :)

Something about a rainy day that gets you thinking….Life is crazy. Some days I feel like I’m on top of the world, able to conquer anything I decide to. Other days I feel small, inadequate, and purposeless. On those days… the days where its not so easy to be me, I force myself to take TEN MINUTES to remember who I am, and why it is actually pretty effing great to be me. I’ve been doing some work on mindfulness and living in the moment lately and I can honestly say I feel a significant difference in my general mood/vibe/energy. Today I was having a relatively rough day, feeling a little ungrateful and over worked so I decided to write down some things that truly make me happy.

Here’s what I came up with:

  1. Reading
  2. Sunsets
  3. Walking my dogs
  4. Loud Music
  5. Candles
  6. Coffee
  7. Yoga
  8. Making Lists
  9. Trips to the Library
  10. Wildflowers
  11. Bonfires at the lake
  12. Organized Sports
  13. Harry Potter
  14. Writing
  15. Hide and go seek tag
  16. Trips to Doozies
  17. Seeing my loved ones happy
  18. Good pens to write with
  19. Someone else doing the dishes
  20. Bodies of water (lakes, rivers, oceans, etc)
  21. Skiing
  22. Birthday celebrations
  23. Adventures
  24. Getting my hair done
  25. Decorating for Christmas
  26. Painting
  27. Live theater
  28. Abstract artwork
  29. Feeling Productive
  30. Quiet coffee shops with comfortable seating
  31. A good run
  32. Surprises
  33. Time with friends
  34. Toes in the sand
  35. Sunbathing/Sunshine
  36. Hot Tea
  37. The color purple
  38. Cloud watching
  39. Documentaries
  40. Classic Disney movies and their soundtracks
  41. Disney Channel Original Movies
  42. Tree houses
  43. Windmills
  44. Feeling appreciated
  45. Dandelion Wishes
  46. Rap/Hip Hop/ Trap Music
  47. Water Sports
  48. Trips to the movie theater with movie theater popcorn
  49. Landscapes
  50. Having a clean house.

Feeling a little lost lately? Losing yourself in the storm of productivity? Take a moment. Revisit who you are, who you want to be, what makes you you, and how things make you feel. It is amazing what re-connecting with your inner self can bring forward. I challenge you this week to spend some time writing down either:

  1. Things that make you happy
  2. Things that give you purpose
  3. Things that make you YOU.

“I am learning to find joy right here in the mess of things.”